Recently ran this loop right hand starting at Kyogle, cruising up towards Woodenbong. This initial section is complemented by a reasonably good road surface with some nice corners meandering through some picturesque valleys. Although still good, the surface becomes a little bumpy up through the forest section nearing the Mount Lindsay Hwy intersection and however, we never came across any on this particular day, be mindful that this is kangaroo country. Once reaching the intersection you will turn right heading towards the Queensland border along the Mount Lindsay Hwy. The winding section up and down the mountain is where the ride gets a little more interesting. A little more concentration is needed here. There are some tight corners with no run off if you get it wrong. The road surface is fair although a little bumpy on some corner entries and mid corner in some places. You will know what I mean if your riding a sports bike and have not taken the time to pack the jewels correctly. There is the odd switchback and one or two corners that tighten up on themselves. If your a novice, just show a little extra caution and you will be fine. Once down the mountain the road opens up for the run into Rathdowney. Here is a good opportunity for a drink break and swap stories before venturing on through the Lions Road. I was unaware until researching, that this next section has a lot of history and is know as one of the worlds most scenic drives. At this stage, it might be a nice gesture to throw your loose change into your coat pocket for the Lions Club donation tin at the top of the McPherson Range. Money which is used to aid the funding of maintaining the road. The turn off to the right is a few kilometers from town. Now is the time to forget about your aspirations of becoming the next MotoGp champion, switch in to cruisemode and enjoy the scenery. While the road surface is quite good the road is narrow in many places. There are some tight blind corners some of which lead on to one lane timber bridges, which can be suspension bottoming if hit to quickly. There are some steep grades and one section of contours more like the roller coaster at your local fairground. Upon reaching the top of the range there is a road leading of to the right, down to a shaded parking area with toilets and is a nice stop off. There is seating and a BBQ area, also boardwalk overlooking the railway line, know as the Border Loop. The corners continue down the southside of the range with an occasional visual green moss in some of the shaded areas offline. If you are out there your already in a spot of bother anyway. The road opens up a bit once off the mountain with a few bridges and the odd tight corner and rail underpass to negotiate. Its this section along the flats to rejoin the Kyogle Rd and complete the loop, that you encounter the occasional, easily avoidable pot hole. Overall not a bad ride, quite entertaining really. Now if your out to get some knee down practice for your upcoming track day, then this is not the ride for you. Nor is any public road for that matter. Save it for the race track please guys and gals. In summary, riden to the variable conditions this ride would be a good experience for riders of all levels. Now if your wondering, No I am not a member of the Lions Club or affiliated to the Lions Club in any way. I just appreciate the hard work and dedication of the volunteers that have made this ride possible. Cheers people Stay safe For more information on this road you can visit