This road leads you past the Pont Napolean and it's crazy
bunjee jumpers to the famed Cirque De Gavarnie which
is a natural amphitheatre of vertical granite walls and
cascading waterfalls, the top of which represents the border
between France and Spain. It's a sight i've been wanting
to see for a few years now and once again I didn't get to
see it this time too lazy to walk, and having too
much fun on the bikes. The photo of the Cirque was
borrowed from the public domain but it does give you
an idea of what to expect if you fancy the walk from the
village which was a hive of activity in August 08.
We turned right at the village on the D923 and followed
it's twisties up the mountains for a few miles until it's
dead end. From here there are footpaths into the distance
if you fancy. We were lured quickly back to the twisties
that headed back down the mountains. Great fun, and easy
to see any approaching traffic. Well worth a visit.
A road to ride before you die!
It goes no where - just up the mountain and stops!
However, it is one of the most exciting rides I have ever made - I touched my boots twice on a 1200GS, the second time I knew it was coming and lifted it - but it touched anyway.
Incredibly fast, incredibly twisty - there is some tourist traffic but even in mod august it was light enough to get round. The mountain was above the snow line but warm - the google map does not look right - just take the 923 from Gavarnie and ride till it stops.