Starts in old town Spring and ends in Old town Spring. Great food, music, and Ice house and plenty of crafts and shopping for the wife.
Top speed 50 mph a lot of 40 to 45 mph with smooth turns nice trees and great roads. Woodlands portion is calm and easy to ride long curves few stops. A little construction on Gosling but will be finished soon.
Best time? Shop meet at 6 pm eat at 7pm start ride about 8pm. 1st trip will take 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hrs after that you can shave 40 mins off if you choose. A lot of REAL NICE restaurants in woodlands also. Do the limit and the law will not see you. Lake woodlands is in this area also half way thru. We also will make this run leaving at 10 to 11 pm. NO TRAFFIC the roads are yours.
Hope to wave hello we run it and variations 1 to 2 times a week.
Stop and see Gotta Know Joe Hobbies A hidden R/C shop in Spring like the old days