Leave Bar Oval in Montrejeau on your 'uber-traillie' and head towards the D34 in Montrejeau (Signed Franquieville). Having hit the D34 yawn your way down the 5 Km straight to just after the next village. The route really begins here. There is a long curving downslope leading up to an appallingly sharp right handed hairpin (40 - 50Km). It junctions with the road to the local tip - so watch out for loaded trailers, big lorries etc. Assuming you haven't been blinded by the sun and had a life threatening near death experience (I was that soldier) - then you will be rock and rolling towards the next set of twisties - about every 200 metres. Put it this way - the road before Franquieville takes 2-3 KM to cover a crow's fly distance of 300-500 M. A lot of the rest of the road is just like this - rising and falling. Road surface mostly good - visibility varying - good pre-pyrenees stuff. My only real problem with this route is it heads away from the mountains. Stay on the D34 till you hit the dreaded D929 - arrow straight roman road with speed cops at every vantage point.