D618 Saint-Girons - Tarascon-Sur-Ariege

Star Rating Graphic (5) 100 kms
Mission Motos! | Aprile 20, 2007 | Europa > Francia Itinerari Motos > Midi-Pyrenees
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Aprile 20, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

This road notionally a continuation from the Fronsac - St Girons section - is by far the best section of the two halves. Please Note: NOT for the faint hearted. Climbing the Col De Port is without a doubt a peak motorcycling experience. It's a lane and a half - at 35 Km/hour (about 20 MPH) I had the bike hard over and getting round some of the bends was not a sure thing. After one 'straight' I looked down and realised I had peaked out at just under 50 MPH - but due to the road surface which is very bumpy (but good ie not loose) - which gives some idea of how involving the riding is. For 15-20 minutes I 'worked like a competition motocrosser' - a fabulous piece of slow speed motorcycling! Ti with d117/N20 to get into Andorra - good stuff!

Mission Motos!
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