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Curve Star Rating Graphic (5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.6)
RettilineiStar Rating Graphic (1.5)
PaesaggioStar Rating Graphic (4)
VisibilitàStar Rating Graphic (3)
Manto StradaleStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
RischioStar Rating Graphic (3)
Presenza delle forze dell’ordine Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Giugno 17, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

This is a very narrow and tight road. Its fun, and very technical. Irs not a speed road. Beware of gravel on the sides of the road. Lots of blind corners. Not many cars, but one may easily cross the double yellow as it is very narrow.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
Novembre 3, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

Excellent bends through canyon, typical of one of the many excellent roads in this area.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image

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