38 : Grafton - Glen Innes

Star Rating Graphic (3.67) 153 kms
21Bayliss | Novembre 22, 2010 | Oceania > Australia Itinerari Motos > New South Wales
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RischioStar Rating Graphic (3.3)
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Have your say....
Ottobre 20, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

I road this route in the opposite direction I think it was meant (Glen Inns to Grafton). The reason I say this is because the mountain section of the route was all downhill which is not as always enjoyable as going up hill on a bike. Anyway I loved it and saw this route as being 3 sections. The first section(out of Glen Innes) was fast and flowing with each corner connecting into the next so I was busy getting across in the seat but able to maintain a rapid cruising speed. The second section was the long downhil mounatin stretch. The third section was run into Grafton which was more undulating and open than the first section. The big hazard to be aware of is sheep on the road. I good ride and one I recommend

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Maggio 25, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

Road down this way 23rd May 2011, still lots of bumps and pot holes, however, numerous repair crews along the way working hard spreading stones and bitumen making it even more interesting. To their credit there are some fine fine corners, racetrack smooth and well cambered followed by corners covered in loose stones. It was raining and foggy; completing this ride unscathed I feel is not only an achievement but lots of fun.

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Novembre 22, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

Nice road with all sealed but not good quality surface so watch out for potholes. Good corners but plan your fuel range carefully.

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