D368 : Zonza - Porto Vecchio

Star Rating Graphic (5) 35 kms
BBR-David | Giugno 26, 2012 | Europa > Francia Itinerari Motos > Corse
Itinerari Moto Film Disponibile

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Curve Star Rating Graphic (5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (2.5)
RettilineiStar Rating Graphic (3)
PaesaggioStar Rating Graphic (5)
VisibilitàStar Rating Graphic (4)
Manto StradaleStar Rating Graphic (4)
RischioStar Rating Graphic (3)
Presenza delle forze dell’ordine Star Rating Graphic (1)


Have your say....
Giugno 26, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

Nice, mostly well surfaced and very scenic Corsican mountain pass that joins the famous Col de Bavella. The corners on this road are in general more open and with better visibility than those on the Bavella but there also seemed to be slightly more traffic (presumably as it seemed to be the road joining the Bavella to the town of Porto Vecchio). There is a very picturesque reservoir en-route and also the possibility of cattle on the road ;).

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