A9 / A99 : Inverness - John o'Groats

Star Rating Graphic (4.5) 184 kms
merlin | Luglio 5, 2005 | Europa > Regno Unito Itinerari Motos > Highland (Scotland)
Itinerari Moto 1 foto disponibili

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • merlin
  • Suzuki TL1000R
  • Partitura: 5
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Curve Star Rating Graphic (4.3)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.5)
RettilineiStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
PaesaggioStar Rating Graphic (4.8)
VisibilitàStar Rating Graphic (3.8)
Manto StradaleStar Rating Graphic (3.8)
RischioStar Rating Graphic (3.3)
Presenza delle forze dell’ordine Star Rating Graphic (2.5)


Have your say....
Maggio 11, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

I live in alness and im a regular on this route . amazing road huge section off hairpins going up and down gradients ( called the berrydale braes ) further north the surface could be better in places . the tip to turn off at alness is a must this road is called the struie and is the mutts nutts . get yourself up there :)

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Novembre 5, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

I would agree with all that is said before......especially the detour past Bonnar Bridge.I picked up that tip from this site and made a point of doing the detour and what a good tip that was.....Peter

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Marzo 11, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

Once Inverness is about 10 miles behind you this route really becomes a stunner. I did it on a ride right round the coast of Scotland up the east side and down the west. This was the road that I 'had' to do simply because it was the only one and I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. The road on the map doesn't look that good but once on it, wow! For a major road it certainly has some great twists and turns. Highly recommended for its mix of corners and scenery. Once you get passed Wick, count the number of trees. A garage owner in Wick said that the land is so flat and open that trees don't stay upright for long. It's a bit odd when you notice it, like being in the Fens.

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Luglio 5, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

A fantastic stretch of road to test every riders skill level. Tight hairpins, fast sweepers, Off camber bends, long straights, this road has it all. Scenery is superb as you twist and turn along this coastal route. A worthwhile 'detour' is via Bonar Bridge from Alness. This was the original route until the Dornoch bridge was constructed.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • merlin
  • Suzuki TL1000R
  • Partitura: 5

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